Borderlands Movie Reveal the Explosive New Poster

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Get ready, Borderlands fans! The much-anticipated live-action adaptation of the beloved video game franchise has just dropped an electrifying new poster, and it's packed with familiar faces and vibrant colors that are sure to get your heart racing.

After a brief lull in announcements following the release of the first trailer back in March, excitement for the Borderlands movie is back in full swing with this latest sneak peek. Since its initial announcement in 2015, the film has been through its fair share of ups and downs, but it's finally nearing completion after a series of re-shoots and fine-tuning in 2021 and 2023, respectively.

For those unfamiliar, Borderlands is a wildly popular first-person shooter action RPG series known for its unique art style, irreverent humor, and memorable characters. And speaking of characters, the new poster doesn't disappoint. We're treated to a lineup of heavy-hitters including Cate Blanchett, Jamie Lee Curtis, Kevin Hart, Ariana Greenblatt, Florian Munteanu, and the iconic Claptrap, voiced by none other than Jack Black.

But what's really got fans buzzing is the tagline: "Chaos Loves Company." It perfectly encapsulates the essence of the Borderlands experience, promising a wild ride filled with adrenaline-pumping action and laugh-out-loud moments.

While the movie isn't a direct adaptation of any one game from the series, it aims to capture the spirit of Borderlands, bringing its zany characters and explosive world to life in a whole new way. And with a talented cast and crew at the helm, including director Eli Roth, known for his knack for blending thrills and humor, the stage is set for an epic cinematic adventure.

So mark your calendars, because this summer, chaos is coming to a theater near you, and it's bringing some company along for the ride. Get ready to dive headfirst into the world of Borderlands like never before!


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